Sunday, 25 February 2018


Rehab and Hospitals by nature are busy and noisy places. Yet in order to heal, you need a restful space. Quietness is important to you, which is why it is a priority to us at JOMEC.

Most people working in hospital understand the impact of the hospital environment on the patient experience.

 There is evidence that good environments can have a therapeutic effect on patients.

 But what constitutes a good environment?

The mind, body and spirit are always striving to maintain resonance with the environment.

 On the other hand,
If that environment is unbalanced or superficial it will use up its energy in maintaining its life force. This is why many people are sick and/or tired most of the time. On the other hand, where the environment is balanced and in harmony with nature, little energy is needed to maintain the body in health.

People have different needs in different spaces.

 Studies clearly show that a whole range of environmental factors including lighting, color, aroma, views, art, scale, proportion, sound, texture and materials - have a powerful healing and therapeutic effect on patients.

Start your addiction healing by joining John Mututho Empowerment Centre (JOMEC) today, for inquiry call +254 774 514635.

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