Monday 5 February 2018

JOMEC Drug Rehab, Drug Addiction, Drug Rehabilitation Centre, Inspired 

Are you having trouble standing up to life’s challenges?

 When drug abuse obscures hope it’s hard to know where to turn. At this critical time our welcoming clinical team and support staff at John Mututho Empowerment Centre (JOMEC) are ready to motivate, inspire and support you in your battle to overcome drug addiction.

JOMEC Drug Rehab leads by inspiration. We stand among Kenya's best alcohol and drug rehab centers, recognized for excellence in evidence-based psychotherapy and a high rate of successful addiction recovery. As a premiere alcohol and drug treatment center, we stand for clinical excellence and groundbreaking treatments. we stand with our physicians, therapists and staff in providing expert, compassionate care. But above all we stand with our residents, who motivate and inspire us to heal people, every day.

Give us a call to see where hope lives.

Our priority is to offer individual support and attention to residents in a welcoming and comfortable environment in which they are not overwhelmed by a large crowd of people. This allows residents to engage with therapy more easily and get to know us and each other better. In a larger centre, a group therapy session can mean 25 or 30 people listening to a speaker, which essentially makes you a member of an audience.

 At JOMEC a group session is much more of an interactive discussion. This enables residents to better express themselves and have their concerns and opinions be heard. A more open and deeper engagement with group therapy results.

One of the major benefits of limiting our enrolment is having the space for flexibility and individuality a larger institution can never accommodate.
While our addiction treatment programis primarily focused on evidence-based psychotherapy, we are open and able to integrate into this whichever alternative therapies appeal to each resident.

 Our goal is to provide each of our residents with precisely the right combination of Psychological, Medical, Pharmaceutical, Nutritional, Alternative and Spiritual practices that will bring each of them their recovery.

We pride ourselves in our ability to work with each resident closely, and offer him or her the care, support and treatment they need with compassion and dignity.


  1. An opportunity for Kenya to sly the drug dragon. Kudos Team Mututho.

  2. Very nice initiative i believe it will help alot of addicts
